

wardrobe: 洋服ダンス synthetic: 合成の skin-tight: きつい lightweight: 軽い fabric softener: 柔軟剤 detergent: 洗剤 collar: 襟 baggy: だぶだぶ


Thanks for the quick response. Thanks for sending a detailed answer. I will get in touch with you before the end of next week. I will contact you by tomorrow. I will inform you within a few days.


I need the answer to a question that I'm sure the customer will ask. I need some information that I'm sure our clients will want to know. It would be very helpful to me if you could give me your answer today. It would be very helpful if yo…


I am happy to tell you that〜:〜であることを謹んでお知らせします。 Once〜, I will be sure to〜:〜したら、必ず〜します。 Once the decision is made, I will be sure to contact you by e-mail.


As you can see from 〜:〜から分かるように、... As you will note from 〜 As you will notice from 〜 Please ensure that〜:必ず〜してください


We would need them by November 11.: 11月11日までにそれらが必要です。(少し強いお願い) Could you let me know if〜: 〜かどうかお知らせください。 Could you let me know when you will be leaving?: いつ出発するかお知らせください。


If our products meet your satisfaction, we would be happy to send you an estimate. Please feel free to e-mail me anytime. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


According to statistics, the economy is recovering. Currently, we are looking to start a new business. Currrentlyの関連語:At present, Right now,


customer case: 顧客サービス leadership skills: リーダーシップ enclosure: 同封物 personnel manager: 人事部長 specialize in : 専門に扱う travel expenses: 旅費 applications: 応募


admire: 賞賛する、敬服する inspire: 刺激を与える look up to: 尊敬する raise: (子供を)育てる、養う sibling: 兄弟姉妹


charity: 慈善 fortune: 財産 generosity: 寛大さ、気前の良さ inheritance: 相続財産 interest: 利息、金利 philanthropist: 慈善家 possessions: 財産、所有物 sum of money: 金額


baggage claim: 手荷物受取所 carry-on luggage:機内持ち込み手荷物 currency:通貨 freshen up:リフレッシュする give somebody a ride:〜を車で送る hike:ハイキングする negotiate:交渉する valuables:貴重品


I need the answer to a question that I'm sure the customer will ask. I need some information that I'm sure our clients will want to know. It would be very helpful if you could reply as soon as possible. It would be very helpful to have the…


If our products meet your specifications, we would be happy to send you an estimate.(製品が仕様に合うようでしたら、喜んで見積りをお送りいたします) Please feel free to e-mail me anytime. (いつでもお気軽にメールください) If there are any q…


Could you please provide me with... ? (〜についてお知らせいただけますか) According to the information I received, ...(私の得た情報によると...) According to your e-mail of October 13, ...(10月13日付けでいただいたメールによると) 「現在」…


I have not managed to read your report. (まだレポートを読んでいません) I was hoping to ask you a few questions. (できましたら質問したいのですが) I was hoping to change the appointment to Thursday at the same time. For reasons beyond my c…


We would like a discount. (値引きをお願いします) I would like you to consider this matter. (この件をご検討いただきたく) I would appreciate your suggestions. (ご提案いただけますと幸いです)


I would like to stop by your office to discuss. I would like to ask for a room reservation. I would appreciate receiving your help. I would appreciate getting some feedback from you.


Please be advised that our company address has changed. We would like to advise you that your order has been shipped.


Please inform me of the situation by return e-mail. Please inform me of the details by return e-mail. Please let me know the shipping date. Please notify us if there are any problems.


Unfortunately, I will.. and will be unable to .... (残念ながら...なので、...できない) I regret that I will have to cancel the appointment.


Congratulations on your promotion. Congratulations on a job well done. Please accept my best wishes on your second anniversary. Please accept my sincere appreciation for your cooperation. (ご協力に心から感謝いたします)


Below is the agenda for the next meeting.(以下は次の会議の議題です) I'm writing to remind you that we have a meeting next week. (リマインドです) I'd like to inform you of the details...(詳細に関してお知らせします) I'm attaching the minu…


Here is the agenda for monthly meeting. (月次会議の議題をお送りします) Here is the estimate. (見積りをお送りします) Here is the list of our new products. (新製品のリストをお送りします) Please note that (〜をご確認ください) Please note t…

ざっと目を通す(look over)

Please look over the attached document.


Please let me know a convenient date for you to do so. Please let me know if it is convenient for you. Please give me a call at your convenience.


Readingの結果がひどいので、次回までに対策を。最後まで解かないうちにタイムアップになったし。この結果を見ると、将来的に900点台までもっていくのは至難のわざ。テスト用の勉強をすることで、何点上がるかを次回は確認する。 次回までに行うこと テレビ…


Please forgive me for writing so late to reply to your message.


I look forward to receiving your reply soon. I hope to hear from you as soon as possible. May I have your reply by September 10, if possible? Please let me have your reply as soon as possible. Please may I have your reply as soon as possib…

Thank you以外のお礼の表現

-I am very grateful. -Your assistance meant a great deal to me. -It was a pleasure working with you. -Thank you very much for the valuable advice. -Thank you again for taking the time to see me. -I really appreciated your support during th…